Free diagnosis - Advice camp (06-03-2024)
Posted on March 8th, 2024 @ 01:32pm
On the date of 6th January 24, Panchakarma department and Physiology department organised a Free Diagnostic camp for the general public of Rajkot in the 3 days event of “Dhara Mitra” healthy food feast, Virani School ground, Rajkot.
By collaboration with C.J. Group, RK university Ayurved hospital had booked a stall in this food feast and students of 2nd BAMS have been assessed 15 persons prakruti parikshan by college format and advice lifestyle as their own prakruti marks.
Students of 4th BAMS diagnosed 14 persons with Ht, Wt, Pulse, BP, Sugar as their complaints and advised Ayurved medicines as treatment.
Below 15 years of 20 kids were provided Suvarna Prashan drops as immunity booster in the camp.
Dr. Ketan Bhimani (Prof in Panchakarma) and Dr. Niketa Soni (Asst. Prof. in Physiology) had advised nearly 50 persons about Panchakarma, Dincharya, Yoga, etc with hospital information and follow up.
