Inaugural Function for Students of 2020-21 Batch
Posted on April 7th, 2021 @ 09:58am
Glad to announce that we are welcoming 60 newly admitted students for the First Year BAMS at the RK University Ayurvedic College & Hospital, Rajkot.
In the current year 2021, a fifteen-days transitional program has been given by the Central Council of Indian Medicine and it was started with Inaugural Function on 4th March, 2021.
The Inaugural function was started by lightening the lamp and salutations to God. Senior Students of ACH, performed on Saraswati Vandana & Dhanvantari Stavan.
Dr C. M. Vaghani welcomed all the newly admitted students and their parents. Dr Milind Chatrabhuji gave detailed information about RK University & Dr Bhavin Dubal gave information about the Ayurvedic College & Hospital. The students were guided about the BAMS course and other systems of ACH by Dr Manoj Pande.
A motivational speech was delivered by respected principal Dr C. M. Vaghani. Interaction with Parents and Interaction with students - these two sessions were addressed by Dr C. M. Vaghani & Dr Dhirajlal Vaghasia.
The decoration of the program was done by students of BAMS with the guidance of Dr Deepa Rananavare. The program was anchored by Dr Hemant Bamane and Vote of Thanks was done by Dr Deepa Rananavare.
Newly admitted students and their parents got a very good insight about the RK University, its constituent Ayurvedic College & Hospital and their upcoming study of BAMS.