Posted on January 1st, 2024 @ 09:50am

The department of Ayurveda Samhita & Siddhanta, RK University Ayurvedic College & Hospital, organised a Model Making Competition for the students under the theme “CHARAKA TATVABODHA” on 15/12/2023 wherein students crafted their creative ideas based on the principles of Charaka Samhita into unique models. The event encouraged the students to demonstrate exceptional skills and a deep understanding of Ayurveda, beautifully encapsulating its essence in their artworks.

There was a total of 40 groups who participated in the competition and three best models were selected among them.

List of winners:

1st position: Nidhi Rupala & Viveka Sonraj
Model: Vikara Vighatakara Bhava

2nd position: Deep Panara & Shweta Likhiya
Model: Chikitsa Bheda

3rd position: Bhoomi Zalariya & Zinkal Maksana
Model: Ashtau Ninditeeya