Swasthya Expo - April 2024
Posted on April 15th, 2024 @ 11:17am
As a part of celebrating World Health Day, Department of Swasthavrutta & Yoga and Department of Kriya Sharir, RK University Ayurvedic College & Hospital organized “Swasthya Expo” on 09/04/24. Students of 2nd year BAMS guided by Dr Deepty Nair (Principal and Prof & HOD, Dept of Swasthavrutta & Yoga) and Dr Divya R (Associate Prof, Dept of Swasthavrutta & Yoga) participated by arranging stalls giving insights about healthy diet & lifestyle including Concept of Tridosha, Dinacharya practices, Ahara rules , Concept of Virudha ahara, test for detection of food adulteration, foods for mental health (concept of Manasika Prakruthi), Greeshma Ritu Charya, Skin care and common skin diseases, Importance of Sound sleep, Concept of Vega and Menstrual hygiene. Students of 1st year BAMS under the guidance of Dr Sujata Gargotikar (Prof & HOD, Department of Kriya Sharir) and Dr Bhavin Dubal (Associate Prof, Department of Kriya Sharir) conducted Sharira Prakruthi Assessment and imparted advises on Prakruthi specific Diet & Lifestyle.
The expo started at 9:00 with inauguration and concluded at 3:00 pm. More than 300 staff & students from RKU visited the expo.