Educational visit to District and Session court (16-05-2024)
Posted on May 22nd, 2024 @ 03:26pm
On16 May, 2024, Department of Agadtantra Evum Vidhivaidyaka , RK University Ayurvedic college and Hospital held educational visit to the District and Session Court in Rajkot. The visit was led by Dr. Pankaj Bhange (HOD & Associate Professor) and Dr. Shivangi Malaviya (Assistant Professor)
We are grateful to Registrar of the court and Kartikbhai for corporation during the visit. Kartikbhai gave essential instructions to the students at training room of the court.
53 students were distributed to 09 different courtrooms in which different civil, criminal, family cases were conducted. They observed a trial in progress and learned about the different roles that the judge, lawyers, and witnesses play in the legal system.
They also had the opportunity to interact with the judges and lawyers and learn the role of Doctor as a witness in legal procedure.
The students were very interested in the visit and learned a lot about the Indian legal system. They said that they were inspired by the dedication of the judges and lawyers.
