Posted on May 27th, 2024 @ 09:44am
Seed Ball activity was organized by the Department of Dravyaguna, RK University Ayurvedic College and Hospital on 22nd & 23rd May 2024. Students of 2nd Professional year were actively involved in the seed ball preparation.
Seed balls are small bundles of seeds, clay and soil or compost. The main aim of this activity is to preserve the seeds for a longer time and protect the seeds by preventing them from drying out in the sun, getting eaten by birds, animals or from blowing away.
Before the rainy season commences these seed balls are thrown in the garden. As the rain starts Seeds inside the ball will start to germinate and little sprouts will begin to appear from the ball which helps to have new saplings for future.
Under the guidance of Dr. Naveeta Agrawal (HOD & Professor) and Dr. Shweta Shetty (Associate Professor), along with students of 2nd professional have enthusiastically prepared many seed balls like Agastya seed balls, Atibala seed balls, Ramphala seed balls, Karpasa seed balls etc. and made the event fruitful.