Educational visit to Junagadh Agriculture University & Arrayah Ayurveda Pharmacy

Posted on August 9th, 2024 @ 02:07pm

On August 1st, the Departments of Dravyaguna & Rasashastra-Bhaishajya Kalpana at RK University Ayurvedic College and Hospital organized visits for second-year students. 56 students got benefited from the visit by learning about various techniques and advancements in the fields of Tissue Culture and Pharmaceuticals.

1. Tissue Culture Lab of Junagadh Agriculture University,

The students took advantage of this visit and learned about the various techniques of tissue culture and its useful methods for growth of medicinal plants. Students got chance to visit Tissue culture lab and green house where they got the knowledge of cultures and growth of saplings from the culture technique.

2. Arrayah Ayurveda Pharmacy (Healwell Nutraceutical) in Junagadh

The students utilized this visit to gain insights into the advancements in production processes compared to traditional methods and quality control procedures of Ayurvedic products. The visit included the manufacturing facility, showcasing raw material selection and storage, various preparation and formulation methods, as well as packaging and labelling processes.

Under the support and guidance of Director Dr. Deepty Nair and Deputy Director Dr. Manoj Pande, this trip was coordinated by Dr. Naveeta Agarwal (HOD & Professor) & Dr. Shweta Pande (Associate Professor) from Dept. of Dravyaguna & Dr. Rohithkrishnan G.B. (Associate Professor) & Dr. Jigar Vekariya (Assistant Professor) from Dept. of Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, ACH.